Tickle Pickle Employee Form

Welcome to our application site, where you can apply to become an employee at Tickle-Pickle Incorperated. If you would like to submit a resume, email us at "management@ticklepickle.com". To apply, simply fill out our form below. Please remember that the * symbol means that the specified question is NOT required, and don't forget to submit the form.

First Name:

Last Name:



Favorite Color: *

Middle Initial: *

Phone Number:


Email Address:

Applying Role:

Applying Shift:

Here at Tickle-Pickle, we value our customers. How would you rate your customer service skills?

Terrible Bad Good Excellent

How would you describe your preferred working environment?

Office Store Outside Garage

Do you have any family working with us?

None Brother Sister Parent Other Relative

If you do have relatives associated with us, what is your relationship with them?.

Would you prefer working with them?

Yes No

What days do you prefer to work?

Mondays Tuesdays Wendsdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays

Have you worked at any of these companys?

Walmart Acme Giant Other

If you chose one or more, please name the company(s):

Jobs Remaining:
Sales Associate: 5 Positions
Cashier 12 Positions
Assistant Store Manager 3 Positions
Shopping Cart Manager 18 Positions
Customer Support 9 Positions

We thank you for your time & effort. If you have any other questions, concerns or anything you'd like to let us know, you may do so below.